Oregon -David Romprey Oregon Warmline / Linea de Esperanza Takes out of state calls: : YES - TAKES OUT-OF-STATE CALLS Languages Spoken by WARMLINE personnel: : English, Spanish 800-698-2392 English & Spanish https://ccswebsite.org/warmline/
Maryland – Pro Bono Counseling WARMLine Takes out of state calls: : NO - DOES NOT TAKE OUT-OF-STATE CALLS Languages Spoken by WARMLINE personnel: : English, Spanish (410) 598-0234 https://www.probonocounseling.org/get-help-now/warmline/
Wisconsin – Iris Place Warmline Takes out of state calls: : NO - DOES NOT TAKE OUT-OF-STATE CALLS Languages Spoken by WARMLINE personnel: : English 920-815-3217 https://www.namifoxvalley.org/iris-place/
Wisconsin – Solstice Warmline Takes out of state calls: : NO - DOES NOT TAKE OUT-OF-STATE CALLS Languages Spoken by WARMLINE personnel: : English (608) 244-5077 http://soarcms.org/